Components In React

Components In React

In this article, we are going to learn about the components of react


What is a Component?

In React, components are reusable pieces of code that represent a part of a user interface. Components allow developers to organize and structure the UI in a modular way.

Components are small reusable blocks of web applications like navigation, hero banners, footers, cards, etc.

Components explain with website screenshot

In React there are two types of components 1) Class Components and 2)Function Components.

Here we are focusing on Function Components

How To Create Component?

Let's consider we want to create a button component.

There are some rules to create components they are:

  1. The component name should be capitalized

  2. Use .jsx file extension to use HTML-like syntax.

The steps to create a button component are as:

  1. Create a file in the src folder and named the file as BuyButton.jsx

    Crreate BuyButton.jsx file

  2. Create a new component using the function

     function Buybutton() {
         <button>Buy Now</button>
     export default Buybutton;
  3. Import Component

    To display the button on the browser you need to import button component.

    Here in my case, i am importing button component in App.jsx file

     import Buybutton from "./Buybutton";
     function App() {
     export default App;

    App.js file

Multi-component import/export without default

  1. Create a file in the src folder and named the file as Shopbutton.jsx

    Create Shopbutton.jsx file

  2. Create a component

    Here in Shopbutton.jsx file I have created two components 1) Buybutton 2) Cardbutton

     export function Buybutton() {
         <button>Buy Now</button>
     export function Cardbutton() {
         <button>Add to Card</button>
  3. Import Component

    To display the button on the browser you need to import these button components.

    Here in my case, i am importing these button components in App.jsx file

     import {Buybutton, Cardbutton} from "./Shopbutton";
     function App() {
     export default App;

Multi-component import/export with default

After the component file created

  1. Create a component

    Here in Shopbutton.jsx file I have created two components 1) Buybutton 2) Cardbutton but I have export the Buybutton component default

     function Buybutton() {
         <button>Buy Now</button>
     export function Cardbutton() {
         <button>Add to Card</button>
     export default Buybutton;
  2. Import Component

     import {Cardbutton} from "./Shopbutton";
     import Buybutton from "./Shopbutton";
     function App() {
     export default App;



Dynamic Component

In dynamic components, we can use the javascript expression directly in jsx. This includes variables, functions, etc. To use the javascript expression directly in jsx use parenthesis {} in jsx.

function UserDetails() {
  let firstName = "Mohammed Abdul";
  let lastName = "Raheem";
  return (

Reusable Component

In React we can reuse our components in different parts of our web application easily. Using Reusable components enhances UI consistency and reduces dependency and development time by writing duplicate code. Also, it is easy to maintain reusable components and easy to update and fix bugs.


Create a file called Random.jsx

//File Name: Random.jsx
function Random() {
    let randomNumber = Math.random() * 100;
            <p>This is a Random Number: {Math.floor(randomNumber)} </p> 
export default Random;

Imported Random.jsx in App.jsx file

import Random from "./Random";

function App() {

export default App;

Reusable Component Output

Thank you for reading